RoboBoat 2017

The 10th RoboBoat Competition took place at the Reed Canal Park lake in South Daytona, FL. With 9 teams representing Indonesia, México and the United States of America.
July 20-25, 2017
Reed Canal Park (lake)
919 Reed Canal Road
South Daytona, FL 32119
- 2017 Final Standings
2017 Finals

Daytona Beach Homeschoolers
Palm Coast, Florida, USA
This year will mark our third year entering the RoboBoat competition. Our team consists of two Homeschooled students who are very interested in robotics.
We decided to enter the Robosub challenge in 2012 and 2013 to learn and develop our love for robotics. Eventually we decided we wanted the challenge of using GPS and quadrotors, so we moved to the RoboBoat competition.
We hope that someday we will bring the college of our choice to the Robosub or Roboboat competition.

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Floating Point
Daytona Beach, Florida, USA
The Robotics Association at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University presents the Floating-Point V Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV) and Exponent Unmanned Aerial Subvehicle (UAS) systems as a competitive solution to the 2017 RoboBoat Competition challenge. Goals of the Floating-Point team are fulfilment of all mandatory tasks (thrust and speed), navigation through start and finish gates, and completion of all additional tasks required by the 2017 AUVSI challenge. The Floating-Point ASV and Exponent UAS systems were developed with innovative solutions for meeting these goals. The final design of the ASV system includes a stable yet maneuverable tri-hull boat platform, safe, reliable power and propulsion systems, a powerful on-board processor, and array of mission critical sensors. In order to complete tasks at the challenge stations, these sensors include a camera, hydrophones and scanning laser rangefinder. The UAS system is designed to be waterproof, and has sensors with similar purposes to enable to complete its set task. The team is comprised of two smaller teams divided into hardware and software. The goal for this year’s team is divide and conquer in order to accomplish all the tasks from easiest to most difficult.

Georgia Institute of Technology
Hall and Boats
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
We are students at Georgia Tech who are interested in robots and boats! Our team consists of mainly undergraduate students, but we have one graduate student on the team (a holdover from last year). There are a good mix of Aeronautical Engineers, Mechanical Engineers and Computer Science majors on the team, and we’ve been designing and building this years Roboboat vehicle for the last few months. We are excited to show the fruits of our labor at this year’s competition and can’t wait to kick some Robobutt (hopefully not our own). We wouldn’t be here without generous funding from the Georgia Tech Student Foundation (GTSF) and the Georgia Tech Aerospace Systems and Design Laboratory (ASDL), so we thought it prudent to mention them here.

Hagerty High School
The Water Dogs
Oviedo, Florida, USA
We’re the Water Dogs, a new community based team in Oviedo, Florida. Our team is comprised of local high school and graduating students, all with a passion for STEM and robotics. Recently we participated in the First Tech Challenge competition and were fortunate to advance to the world championship, but we were ready to try something new during our off season, and Roboboat brought us a new opportunity to do so. Our boat, Sir docks-a-lot, set sail for the first time this year with many things to learn, and an eager crew ready to work. Our crew consists of Team Leader, Nicolas Injo, who’s a rising senior at Hagerty High School, Rajiv, Katie, Neel, Aashni, Andrew, Matt, and Jared.

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Barunastra Roboboat ITS Team
Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
Barunastra ITS, established in 2012, is the roboboat team of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya. Our team research focuses on autonomous surface vehicle. Within the past four years, our team has achieved many achievements, such as achieving second runner-up in AUVSI 9th ROBOBOAT COMPETITION 2016, achieving Savitsky Award for Speed & Maneuverbility, achieving first place in KKCTBN 2016, achieving first place and second runner-up in UNDIP DECONBOTION 2015, and achieving best design in KKCTBN 2014. Our Team consists of 18 members with three divisions; mechanical division, electronics and programming division, and official division. The mechanical division are responsible for everything that has to do with the ship design, construction, and outfitting. The electronics and programming division are the ones who do the programming and electronics configuration. The official division are the ones responsible for other nontechnical activities such as administration, branding, and sponsorship.

Tecnológico de Monterrey
Monterrey, Nuevo Léon, México
We are a group of students and professors of different areas of study and academic grades from Tec de Monterrey in Mexico. We have the objective to design, build and develop unmanned autonomous vehicles. The team was created in 2016 with the initiative to integrate all the different research projects in the robotics and artificial intelligence department, later the team was reinforced with students from Industrial Design and Digital Arts. Al the team members come from different cities and backgrounds which gives the team a singular strength. Our goal is to create state of the art technology that compete with international developers and institutions to place Mexico’s technology in the sight of the world.

Universitas Indonesia
Autonomous Marine Vehicle UI
Depok, West Java, Indonesia
The Autonomous Marine Vehicle university of indonesia is a group of highly motivated and dedicated students who aim to stimulate and foster interest in unmanned marine systems, technologies and careers. We combine our individual areas of expertise: computer science, electrical and computer engineering, mechanical and naval engineering, and other disciplines. The team’s focuses are on research of new maritime technologies and also to participate in several competitions, such as Kontes Cepat Tak Berawak Nasional (National Unmanned Speed Boat Competition) and International Roboboat Competition in United States of America. This is the third time we participated in this competition.
The 2017 team consists of core and supporting teams. Those teams are broken down into four subteams: programming, mechanical, electrical and managerial. Programming subteam is responsible to programming the system so it could run autonomously. The mechanical subteam is responsible for designing and making the platform. Electrical subteam is responsible for the networking power system, making electronic design and making sure the electrical components work well. Managerial subteam is responsible for fundraising, marketing, managing the team, heading alumni relations and operation the website and social media.

University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa, USA
We are the Iowa Marine Autonomous Racing Club, a multidisciplinary group comprised of undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty from the University of Iowa, working together to build an autonomous boat to compete in the annual RoboBoat competition. We recruit students of all majors and skill levels, from across the University. Our subgroups include a Hull and Propulsion Team, a Software and Programming Team, and a Hardware and Sensors Team. Our goal is to improve students’ technical and interpersonal skills, preparing them to be highly effective future engineers in a dynamic and demanding work environment. We are looking forward to participating in our first competition this year at RoboBoat 2017.

University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
UM::Autonomy is a student-run organization within the University of Michigan’s College of Engineering. The team focuses on creating an autonomous surface vehicle that competes in the International RoboBoat competition. The competition tests our vehicle’s capabilities for autonomous navigation and task completion. The competition changes many of its aspects and becomes increasingly difficult each year, forcing teams to constantly improve their vehicles and strive for innovation. Members of UM::Autonomy are able to gain hands-on experience in artificial intelligence, image processing, naval architecture, mechanical design, mechatronic design, controls and systems design, and marketing.
The team is divided into four subteams that focus on particular disciplines. The AI subteam creates and improves software, detects surroundings, and processes detections. The Electrical subteam implements hardware into the vehicle’s systems and pursues other projects related to computer or electrical engineering. The Hulls and Systems subteam designs the hulls and mechanical task completion systems, manufactures the vehicle, and pursues other projects related to naval architecture, marine engineering, and mechanical engineering. The Business subteam is responsible for marketing, managing team finances, social events, and maintaining relationships with our sponsors and the university.
In 2012 and 2010, our team placed 1st overall in the AUVSI and ONR International RoboBoat competition. In 2011, our team placed 1st in Static Judging and won the Edge of the Envelope for S&T Stretch award. In 2015, our team placed 1st in qualifying before a 3rd place overall finish. In 2016, our team placed 7th in qualifying and finished 6th overall.
Find Out More
By land, sea, airspace or cyberspace there’s a place for you in RoboNation. Before we start asking complex questions, let’s start with some simple ones, like your name, email and your field of interest.